Watch My Food Grow ~ A South Florida Raised Vegetable Garden

Florida Backyard Raised Vegetable Garden

Promise of Good Things to Come

April 20th, 2012 by Lila Steinhoff

I am feeling the excitement that comes with tending a garden… the potential of fresh vegetables. Vegetables planted in late February and early March have come up and are flowering and setting fruit. I have squash blossoms, green bean plants with lavender flowers and okra plants with spears and flowers.

October Planting Fading Out

Tomatoes and herbs were planted in October of 2011. I pulled up the October basil and cilantro and planted again in March 2012. I am trying a slow-bolt cilantro seed this time from a company called Seeds of Change. I use a lot of cilantro, and it would be good not to have to replant so often.

I really haven’t paid attention to whether something is organic or not, but this seed is ‘100% certified organic’. It will be interesting to see if there is a difference in the plants or the taste.

Tomatoes – Size Doesn’t Matter

Several tomato plants from the October planting died off and had to be removed. However, the smaller tomatoes… the Juliets and Romas… continue to produce after six months even though the plants are beginning to look a bit ragged. I use Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food on the tomato plants every two weeks.

I have a steady supply of tomatoes… enough everyday to have them in salad or use them in cooking. I slice them on sandwiches, too. It takes several, but a BLT with fresh Juliets rates pretty high on the taste scale.





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  • Hello Friends,

    The Rare Fruit and Vegetable Council is having its Spring sale of plants this Saturday and Sunday, rain or shine. Go to the website above for a list of plants and the address. Lots of popular and rare fruits including mulberries, blue, razz and blackberries, mangos, lychies and much more.