Watch My Food Grow ~ A South Florida Raised Vegetable Garden

Florida Backyard Raised Vegetable Garden

Baby Carrots

July 27th, 2013 by Lila Steinhoff

The Last of the Harvest

I mentioned that the garden is finished for the season, so, in the next few days, everything will be pulled up and the boxes covered to bake in the sun until October. However, there was one last crop of carrots to pull first.

baby carrots Baby Carrots

Each year, I ask grandson Malcolm what he would like to have in the garden. This year he asked for carrots. I planted the baby carrot seeds a little late in the season… toward the end of March, but they did come up.

We have picked carrots, one or two at a time, over the last few weeks just to see if they were about ready. They were awfully small, but they did taste like carrots.

Awfully Tiny

I pulled all the rest of the carrots, so the boxes can be covered for the summer. The bunches looked pretty, but the largest carrots were only an inch and a half to three inches long.

baby carrotsBaby Carrots

I knew there would be dirt, roots and green tops, but I was disappointed that they didn’t, in the least, resemble the baby carrots in the bags at the grocer’s.

Size Matters

In addition to being smaller than I expected, there were just as many that were barely half an inch long and very skinny. They were not usable.

baby carrot and rejectsBaby Carrot and Rejects

Once the greens and the root were taken off, there would not have been enough carrot left to bother with. The tiniest ones were dropped into the compost pile.

Some of the carrots that were large enough to be cleaned easily were shared with my grandson. The rest were shredded into some very good homemade Cole slaw, along with a bell pepper from the garden.

I may plant carrots again, but I will not plant baby carrots. I want more to show from what I plant.


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  • I don’t blame you Lila. I know you work hard at your gardens. I remember as a child pulling up carrots out of the ground with my cousin at her summer house and eating them. They were soo yummy!