Watch My Food Grow ~ A South Florida Raised Vegetable Garden

Florida Backyard Raised Vegetable Garden

Best Use Ever!

June 6th, 2012 by Lila Steinhoff

Overnight Guest

My grandson, Malcolm, spent the night with me last week. I enjoy having him here, and we always manage to fill the time with a little together stuff.

Not long ago, he painted a birdhouse he’d built in scouts. It was a gift for his great-grandmother. We sat at my table, and  my job was to keep the paint coming… squirt the paint into a dish while he painted.

He said it was really fun. I believe him.

On to the Garden

We both walked out to the yard to pick up any mangos that may have fallen overnight. What is left of my garden is in the same part of the yard as the mango tree. Malcolm picked up my garden trowel and began loosening tiny weeds so he could pull them. He was working intently.

I almost told him not to bother. If you remember, this garden has been set upon by critters and blight and is, I thought, of no value in its present condition. I was so wrong.

Whenever his mother asks him how his day went, Malcolm’s answer is always, ‘This is the best day ever!’  Watching him work with such purpose to remove what few weeds there were made my heart soar. He was having a great time in a place that gives me such pleasure.

I think that sad pile of dirt just experienced its ‘best use ever’. Really good memory.



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  • So Sweet and SO True. What beautiful insight you have Lila.

  • Hello fellow fruit lovers:

    The Rare Fruit and Vegetable Council of Broward County (FL) is having its semi-annual sale in a few weeks. See below:

    Annual Fall Sale

    It’s time for our Fall Sale again and it’s open to the public! The sale will be held at our 208 research garden. 5105 SW 208th Lane Southwest Ranches, FL 33332 Now is your chance to buy those rare fruit trees & vegetables that you’ve been looking for all year! Jams, Jellies & Breads featuring tropical fruits will also be available. Dates are Saturday, Oct. 27, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM & Sunday, Oct. 28, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. . Cash & Checks and Mastercard & Visa Accepted. For a list of plants for sale and directions, go to our website:

    By the way, you can join this great organization for $25 a year and learn all about the propagation of fruits and veggies, attend out monthly meetings and take part in classes and field trips.