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Florida Backyard Raised Vegetable Garden

2013 Lake Worth Street Painting Festival

February 25th, 2013 by Lila Steinhoff

Great Expectations

I’m not in the garden today, but I am still in the sun and fresh air.

I have enjoyed the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival for many years… as a business sponsor and as an appreciator of the event. My sister, Marty Riley,  has participated as my company’s artist in previous years.

Marty 2009Marty Riley 2009

Watching the artists work and sampling the food and drink available from street vendors and the restaurants in Lake Worth is a delightful way to spend a weekend.

And as a bonus,  it is just as much fun to watch the people and pets as it is to watch the artists work.


Lake Worth Street Painting Festival 2013

Lake Worth Street Painting Festival Artists 2013

There was sun and a breeze Saturday and Sunday mornings. Quite a few chalk paintings were finished Saturday.

artistArtists 2013

artistArtist 2013artist

 Rain… Lots of It

Chalk drawings and water do not mix, and Saturday night the rains came. When my sister participated as an artist in previous years, we would cover her work each  night even when rain was not predicted.

waterlogged artworkWater Under Protective Cover

Many artists covered their work Saturday night, but with so much rain and wind, the plastic didn’t offer much protection. Many others did not cover their work and lost everything.

Water-Damaged Artwork

The rain was forced under the covers and puddled on the artwork. Many artists did not return Sunday to complete their projects.

rain-damaged artworkWater-damaged Artwork

For many artists, there was  little, if anything, left of Saturday’s work. It was very disheartening.

artist's rain remarkArtist’s Rain Remark

One artist expressed, what may have been the feeling of a lot of participants – artists and attendees alike. She found her work washed away on Sunday morning and left her remark in the space instead.

Lots to See

Still, even with the difficulty the rain was for the artists, there was so much to see and enjoy. There are pictures of many artists and their work in the gallery.

Click on any picture to make it larger, then click on the right or left side of the image to move through the gallery.

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